How To: Add Reflections to an object or element and display in the Shaded View

  1. Open the Object's Properties > Appearance tab, select the element that you wish displays a reflection, i.e. "Floor" in this case, and set its material properties to a reflective material, such as "Mirror 3".
  2. Then, at the bottom of the material section, ensure the checkbox “
Display Reflection in Shaded Views” is selected.


3. Then, in your Shaded View where you want to see the reflection, go to its View Options, go to the Simulation Tab. First. ensure that the "Enable" checkbox for Materials is selected, and then enable the "Reflections" checkbox right below it.


And that's it, now this object's element displays a reflection in the Shaded View!

Repeat Steps 1 and 2 for each object or element that you want to display reflections, but remember to use wisely as you only can display reflections on 10 elements at most!

(Reflections are expensive on performance, so I'd recommend to use only where necessary!)

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